Zoe Scanlan, Family Homeopath

About Me

Zoë Scanlan BSc (Hons), MSc, SDS Hom, MARH

Homeopathy first found its way into my life when I was pregnant and looking to support my natural birth. However, it was when my 10 week old baby developed impetigo that I experienced Homeopathy’s true value. Antibiotics was offered by the GP, but at such a young age I was reluctant to go this route. Advice from the Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy lead me to the remedy ‘Ant Crud 30’, which healed the impetigo almost overnight.

I turned again to Homeopathy some months later, feeling at a very low ebb (mild PND) from what felt like endless breastfeeding and broken nights sleep, and all that is the huge transition of becoming a mother!  The quality of the homeopathic consultation felt so healing and combined with the remedy (Sepia 30), I felt my mood and world shift almost immediately. This was enough to convince me I needed to know more. I started the 4 year professional training at South Downs School of Homeopathy just a few weeks later.

Since then, homeopathy has become part of everyday life. We've seen earaches clear up in hours, distraught children falling into peaceful slumber, fears vanishing and I learnt to work with a fever, rather than fear and suppress it (this was a very important learning for me).  I was also lucky enough to have two wonderful home births, which I also gladly attribute to well prescribed remedies.

My work has a strong focus on helping parents gain the knowledge and confidence to become their own family’s doctor! I work with mothers helping them to find their way back to nature, themselves and their intuitive power, using nature and energy as primary healing tools.

My own journey has lead me to realise as mothers, we are are the pinnacle of family life, and if we take care of ourselves, our family and those around us, will in turn be nourished.  As women we  have been strongly conditioned to put other’s needs before our own, and today I gently challenge this with all women I work with. 

I offer my support via consultations, mentoring, running courses and also selling my well loved book Homeopathy & Natural Remedies for Children which is aimed at supporting parents learning to use natural healing (homeopathy, herbs, flower essences, food etc) for common childhood ailments.

Finally, I love to support more Homeopaths into the world (essential to expand the capacity of this incredible form of medicine)! I lecture at various UK Homeopathy colleges and offer supervision to trainees.

In 2021 I took on the role of managing the Homeopathy Diploma course at the London College of Naturopathic Medicine, who offer a three year Homeopathic Naturopathy Diploma course, and have started a Naturopathy training - which is so exciting!

I am a registered member of the Alliance Registered Homeopaths.

Here is me on Why I love to be a Homeopath!


ARNlCA is a community of like-minded people that share information and support around natural parenting & immunity. The website, facebook and Telegram community offers the opportunity to connect, as well as a wealth of information.


This interview will give you an insight into me, my work and my journey into Homeopathy.


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